Shri Shankaracharya is a shaktipat master and the preceptor of Sadhana Ashram. He founded the ashram over 40 years ago after years of service to two of the greatest shaktipat masters of the 20th century – Swami Muktananda and Dhyanyogi Madhusudandas. While following the guidance of these two great saints, Shri Shankaracharya repeatedly had experiences with the Divine Mother. This eventually led to his meeting with the respected Himalayan Adept Ramesh Moudgil, who initiated Shri Shankaracharya into the practices of Shakta (Divine Mother) Tantra. Later, Ramesh ordained Shri Shankaracharya into the Tantric Order of Dakshina Marg (“the Right Hand Path”) and, in 1998, made Shri Shankaracharya his successor. On January 1st, 2000, Shankaracharya founded a new Tantric Order – the Adya Tantric Order of the Chandika Sampradaya. The purpose of this Order is to serve as the unified, Living Expression of the Divine Mother tradition, the Shaktipat tradition, Integral Advaitic Philosophy, and the Sacred Teachings.
When Dhyanyogi gave Shri Shankaracharya his name, Dhyanyogi told him, “You’ll bring light to the scriptures.” When the Divine Mother appeared directly to Shri Shankaracharya, She gave the mandate to, “Take my teachings to the West.” These blessings foreshadowed Shri Shankaracharya’s combination of the immense blessings of shaktipat with an astounding gift for deeply illuminating teachings. Whether elucidating the esoterica of Kundalini, making ancient texts relevant to modern life, or developing a series of teachings on living consciously that support the unwinding of the yogic path while living in the world, Shri Shankaracharya has become particularly known among his admirers for his insightful guidance, both one-on-one and in his satsangs, during the ashram’s weekly shaktipat programs. These satsangs have produced two books, God Alone Is and the as yet unpublished Gospel of Consciousness.
Arguably the most salient aspect of Shri Shankaracharya’s path, though, has been his dedication to service. Whether in service to the gurus and saints he has known over the years, or in service to the hundreds of seekers who have been blessed to know him, Shri Shankaracharya has demonstrated an unerring devotion to living and demonstrating the highest Truth with both humility and an inspiring work ethic. No one has worked harder to implement the teachings than Shri Shankaracharya himself.

Shri Anandamayi began visiting Sadhana Ashram in 1992, finding a connection to the tradition that was both profound and beyond understanding. At home one night, she had physical darshan of Babaji wearing a distinctive hat. On her next meeting with Shri Shankaracharya, she was stunned to find him wearing the same hat, which he had just brought back from his Tantra guru’s home in India. There has been no looking back since then.
In 1997, Shri Anandamayi became a resident at Sadhana Ashram along with her young daughter. She has given her life to this path, becoming a shining example of what it means to live the teachings. In the process, she has helped shape every aspect of the ashram. Whether it is the music, the liturgy, the expression of the teachings, or so many other aspects of the ashram daily life, her presence is felt constantly. Through cycle after cycle of the ashram life, many pilgrimages to India with Shri Shankaracharya, and perpetual return to the teachings, Anandamayi has become the mother of the ashram community to match Shri Shankaracharya as the father.
And although Shri Anandamayi’s pursuit of a formal spiritual path has been an outstanding example to all, perhaps it has been the quiet, unassuming reflection of that formal path in her personal life that inspires the sangha more than anything. While her devotion to spiritual life and this tradition stands out, those who know the health challenges she has overcome in the process stand in awe. At the same time, Shri Ananadamayi and Shri Shankaracharya have made their personal relationship another vehicle of the integral teachings of the tradition, setting an example for all. And Shri Anandamayi has set an equally inspiring example for the parents in the community as a mother. Her devotion, surrender, and perseverance have demonstrated for all what it means to walk the path.
Shri Anandamayi displays the rare blessing power of Devi Bhav, physical manifestation of the Divine Mother. On Guru Purnima in 2018, she joined Shri Shankaracharya for the first time at the head of the meditation hall, fully demonstrating her place as Shri Shankaracharya’s partner and successor in leadership of the sangha.

Maa Das
Maa Das’ spiritual journey began as a teenager, but it was not until his late 20’s that he first visited Sadhana Ashram. Within just a few days of being at the ashram, though, Maa Das realized he had actually met Shri Shankaracharya seven years before, and at that meeting Shri Shankaracharya blessed the picture of Durga that Maa Das had worshipped ever since. Maa Das knew he had found his spiritual home.
In 2016, Maa Das, his child, and then wife moved across country to be closer to the ashram. Soon after that, Maa Das moved into the ashram and became the principle pujari there. In the five years that he fulfilled those duties, Maa Das also took part in every role at the ashram, from basic seva like cleaning the ashram or yardwork, to studying esoteric texts with Shri Shankaracharya, to helping conduct the music part of the programs, and giving shaktipat when Shri Shankaracharya and Shri Anandamayi were on pilgrimage. All this was done while also working as a nurse and co-parenting his child.
In 2022, Maa Das moved back to Asheville with Shri Shankaracharya’s and Shri Anandamayi’s blessings to start a meditation center, which Shri Shankaracharya named Parashakti Bhavan. On Guru Purnima 2023, Shri Shankaracharya and Shri Anandamayi gave their blessings for Maa Das to take on disciples as a yogacharya within the tradition.